Tuesday 26 August 2014

Thoughts out loud

"When I grow up,I want to be a......" Am sure we are all familiar with this,we said it at some point in primary school,either because we dreamt of how we want to see ourselves or because we were asked by our class teacher.some of us have kids/nieces and nephews who say that now.
          The question is this......when do u grow up,what age is UP? Is it that the girl that dreamt to be a lawyer but got a bank job hasn't grown up? Does she give up growing up? Or does she grow to be somebody else?

           I was just thinking about it,I asked myself how much success do I have to attain to say I am living my dream already,how much work do I have to do to make it to my dream? What if I never make it to my dream,what if I keep working hard and Its all to stay in between the ladder,yes am not poor am comfortable.....no am not rich,I can't afford to buy a 250,000 naira birkin.
          When should we be satisfied? I got my entrepreneurship skills early,I thought about how I Dont want to be passive on this planet, I Dont want to die a mediocre, I am so full of greatness that I need to show to the world,I have got so much to give,but I am scared,what if it doesn't work,what if I fail in my field, do I run into another field to see if I will be seen there? What if am just a c4 and everyone the world knows ranks from b3? The people lower than c4 will envy me but I will be bitter,I will make it to the red carpet but I will be editted off because they have to air for only 10mins,what if the first lady buys my dress and I wait all year for her to wear it on national TV, what if she never does...........but wait...........
Did I just see my name on Forbes list?
 Oh yea its me,
that's also me on the red carpet on E! I learnt that's the 10th time today and its just 1pm,
I just got a call from the first lady,she is addressing nations in my dress.
         Oh did I mention my family? Am married to this awesome man that's loves God, we have two kids,we just got back from las Vegas on vacation.............
         They are all dreams and they can come alive,never give up,know the "what ifs" to listen to,Dont weight yourself down with negative thoughts,belive in yourself, Dont get comfortable with the bank marketing job when u should be in the court room. Dont let the devil steal your joy, keep pushing just like me.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

when men were boys #latepost#

Wednesday  is one of those days I wish I could get more hours In between the hours of 4 and 6,That's because I have to be in church by six,I wake in  the morning knowing that by six o'clock I have to be somewhere, but no  matter How hard I try I am never ready,I still rush out when its past six

Thursday 13 March 2014

Still about that boy :(

Where Did I stop?
OK so we started texting,I get instant reply everytIme I sent a text,he had so much enthusiasm about meeting me,he told me How much he liked my career etc. one morning I got a good morning text asking how my night was and trying to find out what I was up to,I replied and that was it,something has happened to my instant reply,I waited 10mins,30,1hour,2Hours,4hours and then the whole day ,so I called him,to check if he was hit by a trailer (only on that condition should he not reply me) he picked up and apologized for not replying bla bla bla, said he was hanging out and mentioned us hanging out soon, said he appreciates that I called, so I hung up and thought that was the  end of our long-distance texting, but my dear that was the beginning :( he dint text or call, kept liking my pictures on instagram though,and then after a while he stopped :(  and then I started wondering watsup?, na jeje I sidown before he talk say e wan see me o,after about 3 days he replied the Hey" I sent to him on watsapp, talked about being busy and all and that was it again, and then finally my friend said I should send a "start to finish" message,so if he replies with a "start to finish" also then amma free him,and guess what? He Did,so he is free now,but what am wondering is,why Did he start up something in the first place? Plus I just wanted to be a friend nothing more,anyways I have come to the conclusion that he has found another Muse so I dedicate my version of Bruno Mars' "When I was your man" to him......
It all just sounds like ooooohhhhh......
Mmm ,too young too dumb to realize
That I should have agreed to see you
And  held your hand
Should've gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
To go with you to every party
Co's all you wanted to do was hookup
Now my Bobo is dancing
But he is dancing with another girl.: (

Tuesday 11 March 2014

There is this boy.........

Yes there is this boy,whose name cannot b mentioned,well for safety's sake I won't,the boy hasn't been talking to me:'( and am here with the gist so you guys can help me out,tell me if i Should just breathe or keep worrying,or call or ignore or anything.
      OK let me say the story from the beginning,once upon a time,I happened to follow somebody(a guy,the guy),why I followed Him I still can't tell,maybe I just saw a pic I liked or so,I just can't remember, but it was an innocent follow button I clicked o,anyways I got something close to an instant follow back, which I don't even see as anything Cos like I said It was innocent,things went on normally Without special attention to anyone. After about a few weeks or months,I went for an occasion and I saw someone who looks very much like him(it even took me time to figure out who the person was looking like)i later discovered the person is a close relation of his, well that's how he became a part of my subconscious,I then started Spying On him and smiled everytime he liked or commented on my pics on instagram, I liked his pics also in return,soon I Started looking up to seeing his likes on my page,i wasn't looking forward to meet or talk to him,I was quite fine With seeing him on instagram, so I did not even have any reason to fantasize.
One midnight as I was working On my sewing I got a notification on instagram, it's midnight so I took my time,read it like 2 hours later,lo and behold. It was from my supposed INSTAGRAM CRUSH and guess what? He wanted to meet me,I smiled to myself,and then replied the Mention,I gave my no and then In a bit we were chatting on whatsapp,and then moved to phone calls,he wanted to see me as soon as he could,he asked me to come to his house but I declined, he got me wondering, What's on his mind,from nowhere (sorry from instagram ) this guy just popped up and keeps saying he needs to see me soon, sounds more like he was asked to bring someone for rituals ASAP......... lol that was a joke,I wasn't that scared but,this guy is someone I never thought of meeting, you know it's a different thing when you have a crush on someone and you are looking Forward to meet the person,this one just got the crush title from liking my pictures on instagram.
   We moved from watsapp to texting,yes Cos sumtimes my phone gets cranky and the network too sometimes develops cramps,just so nothing comes between me and my new friend,we stuck to texting. Sadly this din't last for long :( .............to be continued.

Saturday 1 March 2014

To whom much is given,much is also expected

This last month has been a great one,besides the fact that i had to do a lot of work in it,i also learnt a lot from it,i understood what my ceramics lecturer said that "to whom much is given,much is also expected". so what happens when we give much and expect much,then don't get much?

Tuesday 25 February 2014

fabric shopping with the girls

            Yesterday bebe called me up and asked if we could go shop for fabrics for her cousin,i said yes and we fixed a time to meet up.

            Today bebe called and said she was downstairs,i asked her to come up while i get ready,i had a friend around at that time,she was a little ill,she asked if she could follow us and i agreed since we were only three,unknown to me that bebe was here with her sis fola,well that made us five,we left for the market,on our way ife called and asked if she could met us up(her sis told her about the fabric shopping) we agreed and chose a spot to meet,when we met her,she was also with a friend, that made us  seven, wow! 

BACK AND BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its 2:30am, just me and my laptop awake,as usual i do stuff on the Internet,try to catch up with my friends on skype,facebook send mails etc. while doing all these i just i kept wondering if i should go on my blog, PS: i wonder all the time am logged on to my computer. Even though i draft off-line, i never get to publish, due to so many circumstances in my control( i just chose not to control it) anyways i i finally opened it,cleaned the cobwebs dusted,swept and mopped d floor, taaaadaaa ......................