Tuesday 8 April 2014

when men were boys #latepost#

Wednesday  is one of those days I wish I could get more hours In between the hours of 4 and 6,That's because I have to be in church by six,I wake in  the morning knowing that by six o'clock I have to be somewhere, but no  matter How hard I try I am never ready,I still rush out when its past six
,I am not  usually a late commer but I am always like this when I am being made to do something. You know we are in the lent period,pospy observes the fast and so he has to come for Lenten service every wed evening,he thinks since I live close to the church I should always be there,this isn't a good Idea for me,I don't think  I should go to church just because daddy wants to see me,so I take my time,all I have to do is get there before the end of the service,we'll see each other say whatever we have to say and then he would drop me off and head home..  *I still think the whole exercise is unnecessary *****
So this Wednesday I was a Lil bit ready before six,but as I don't like to go early I picked my phone and got busy, I then realized I intended to stop around on my way to church to get a fabric for a client so I got up and got dressed, headed out got what I wanted,waited for the keke to vet full ***this took ages*** it was already 6:30 I was going to call to say I can't make it when I remembered he won't even take his phone into the church, and then it's just to see me after service.
               Now here is the shocking thing..... when I got to church,being the latecomer I sat on the last pew, Was trying to catch up with the service when I noticed something lemon moving on my right,I tried to look well and it disappeared, it came out again and disappeared when I turned to look,so I decided to fix my gaze on that pew,and then I saw it again,it was a little boy on a lemon t-shirt,he was really looking at me,he dint run back this time,I just smiled and continued with the service, I totally forgot about him,I was reading the Bible from my tab when I started hearing sounds, I looked up,it was the lemon boy and two others blowing me loud kisses, I expected them to stop Co's I was looking at them,but it became louder,they were even struggling to come closer, it was embarrassing people were looking at us,some were trying to make them keep quiet,some were  smiling and others wondering out loud "ki  l'on she awon omo yi "? I just stood and din't know what to do,then I sat and wondered "na wa o" How will somebody dress up finish and it's now this tiny things that are tripping, another part of me wondered What's going on in their mind.
Now it was time for the communion, I dint have the booklet, I had already started chopping small mouth with the parts I know when I saw that one of the boys had a booklet he wasn't using,so I reached out and picked it,he tried to stop me saying " it's for my mummy " I dint answer cos I know the book belongs to the church,I opened to confirm that "not to be taken away" was written on it,meanwhile i noticed the two other boys spanking him for trying to stop me from taking the book, this really awwed me,at this age,the are already like this about the opposite sex? So I tapped one of them and asked "How old are you" he said 5,and then I smiled and shook my head.
It was time to go up for communion, I dropped the book and Went up to take it,when I got back another one picked the book already and was smiling, obviously he wanted me to have a conversation with him too, I just snatched it away from him and continued service,at this point he came to my front and was asking for the book, so I placed my hand in his open hand instead of the book,next voice I heard was Reverend 's "let us pray" so with my hand still in his *** cos he dint let it go ** I closed my eyes for prayer... interrupting my "amen" was a feel on my hand,I opened my eyes,the boy was standing next to me and caressing my hand,he was giving a smile and the other two boys were giggling in front,like they were Happy for him,I was shocked, I dint know what to think,I removed my hand from his palm and then gave him his book but he refused to collect it,he wants to stay with me,he was full of smiles,I just smiled and left him there with the book on the pew,service was almost ending,I needed to let people know about this so I brought out my tab to take a pic,the moment they saw it,they were Happy,one said "see big phone" so they posed for a pic.
.   So now am wondering is this How things have been or these boys are a projection of the new man,do boys generally start lusting after women at such tender age? Are these ones an exception? I still can't phantom it,maybe you guys can make me understand.

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