Saturday 1 March 2014

To whom much is given,much is also expected

This last month has been a great one,besides the fact that i had to do a lot of work in it,i also learnt a lot from it,i understood what my ceramics lecturer said that "to whom much is given,much is also expected". so what happens when we give much and expect much,then don't get much?
you don't even get many talk not of much. this is where you have to check yourself. if you look into your life you would see that there are some certain people who carry you like a bag of rice (i hope you know how heavy it is) that you don't have time to carry them equally,or you just chose not to,they call you even when you don't call (am not talking about stalkers),they check on you always,they never forget dates that are important to you,they see going an extra mile for you as an obligation,but here you are,when it comes to them procrastination is the order of the day,you never reciprocate the attention they give you,you spend your time doing all they do to/for you to other set of people who sometimes appreciate it but cant do same for you.

 why not lets make life easier and happier,appreciate people in your life that care,give your love and attention to people that need cant force anyone to like you,you cant force people to care or run errands for you,when you expect too much from them because you have given so much and you don't get it you get disappointed and heart broken. don't deceive your self and say you are giving without expectation to people that wont give in return or wont do same in your case,if you want to do charity,do it for the less privileged or disabled, i would totally understand that. life is really short,we all need to have a good time here and the best thing that can make you have such is love from actual friends and family.stop wasting your love on people that can do without it,give people that need your love a chance.

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