Wednesday 26 June 2013

Happy birthday to a mother like no other.(Tribute)

Every young girl's dream is to become a great woman,give her family the best and be a model and friend to her kids,well I don't know about you,but that's my own dream. This makes me wonder what my mother's dream was,the world wasn't this way when she was growing,things happened more on "fate" ground than on "dreams" ground, did she dream of marrying a super man,give birth to super kids and become a super mum? or did she just make out the best from any situation she found herself in? All these come to my mind everytime I see,hear or think about my mother,I wonder if I can ever be a better mother,cos the bible made us understand that the glory of the latter shall b greater than the former,this is a great challenge.
   This is what it is all about,my mother is 50 today,so am telling the world about her,I once saw a post in a shop that says "if our services please you,tell the world" we successfully planned a surprise party for her,believe me it wasn't easy,we were planing something bigger but she found out and said no,she dosnt want us wasting money,dis is coming from a woman who on our birthdays give us money to celebrate but never celebrates hers,my mother is so selfless,she lives her life for us. When I think about how much she has been there for me I just want to cry,she is the woman of proverbs 31,she works very hard to make me greater than she is,she is an idol.
This is what my siblings have to say about her......
         Temilade Adesoji
I met this woman some twenty something years ago, all my life, i have never seen someone with a bigger heart. She taught me that nothing was impossible, there is no such thing as being a weaker vessel and most of all she showed me that, as a woman you can have a career and a family and you can balance both. She trained me in the way of the Lord( i would forever be grateful for that) I like to describe her
As Rebecca: always ready to serve, humble and defender of her favorite(we know who *winks*).
As Ruth: you can be sure she wld not abandon you along the way, she wld be there till the end even if things are unfavorable.
As Esther: she would standup for you at all times, even if it means risking her life. When the bible was describing the virtuous woman in the bible, she was the one the bible was talking About. This woman is my MOTHER, she is a mentor and a role model. The best of her kind, if i had to pick a mother all over again, i would still pick you. Thank you so much for being such a great mother and for loving us all. Happy Birthday ma'am. May you live long to eat the fruit of your labour. I love you beyond what words can describe.
    Aderemi Adesoji
All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." The words of the great Abraham Lincoln former president of the USA ring true even from my lips. You have been an epitome of strength, endurance, undying love and so much more. You have gracefully shouldered a burden heavier than you deserve, and you have done it outstandingly well. Over the years your affection has been admirable, from your early deprivations for our gratification to the concern shown even now when I tell you about my progress. Of course I would have loved for more show of affection, but it's understandably hard, what with all the running around you have to do, going to work from 5am to 10pm sometimes even on weekends. But still I am grateful and I love you. You have been the rudder of my ship. You probably will not know the kind of joy that courses through my vein when I call you and instead of an 'hello' you pick up the phone with an 'omo o' pride, joy unspeakable. Remember when I went for Ultimate search? Every step of the way all I thought of was how proud I'd make you if I was successful. On the day I qualified, the first person I called was you. And the next round when I failed to qualify the first person I told was you too. In good or bad times you have been there, I appreciate you for that,and my hope and prayer is that your efforts, your prayers, will be rewarded in this life by my hands In Jesus Name,a very happy birthday to you mummy,may God bless you abundantly.
      Adekunle Adesoji
It is with sadness that I announce the fact that no one else has had, is having, and would have the privilege to be 'mothered' by the best possible mother ever. Everybody says their mother is the best, qualifying her with the best adjectives their diction can offer, however my mom is nothing like that. I tried(I really did), and all I could come up with is, if there was to be a ranking of 'super-people', people who can take the world on their shoulders, and still look and feel fine about it, up there my mother would be. That pretty much says it all, the 'statutory' motherly love + the extra-ordinary motherly love, is just out of this world. I'm just taking this time out to say Thank you Mom, I love u ma, and Happy Birthday Ma...God bless you.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Diaries of a workaholic 2

The saying "what won't kill you would make u stronger" is so tru,at the beginning of this week I took a book to write all that I had to make and do this week,it was a lot,this same week is the week I planned to take my Thursday to Sunday off dress making and have a great weekend,then I thought to myself how is it possible I do all this in 3 days of which Monday was out,I went fabric shopping and had my hair locked,so am left with 2 days.
I picked my phone to call my tailor,to tell her we have a lot to do this week, she has to be here early and be fast about work,just guess her response.........."am not feeling too well o,I want to go to the hospital,maybe I will be fine tomorrow" seriously? Am so quick to activate work mode so I got on the machine and work began,day then night but with the hope that madam "am not well" will be here tomorrow,next day I picked my phone to call her again,she dint pick up,mins later she sent a text "am restless can't make it" I just laughed,does this girl know what restless means? Anyways I gave up on her and faced my work,I sewed from morning to evening,then go to school to draft patterns till 9pm get back and keep sewing.
Thursday came,still sewing,figured my friend whom I was supposed to have the weekend with couldn't make it to Nigeria,it was a sad one but then I have a lot to do,would I have had the time to spare? Am I supposed to be happy or sad? I really looked forward to this weekend,and now I just think it dint happen cause I had a lot to do,you know how things happen so that some other things can happen,on the other end am telling my friend to try see the bright side of the failed trip,he asked if I can see it and I said "no" it wasn't until now that I realized that I could see the bright side,maybe if he came some of my clients would have killed me by now.
It's Saturday evening,I managed to make sure everyone is happy,my clients my friend and me.thats the joy of working.
PS: am prepared to work without my tailor nxt week.

Diaries of a workaholic

The saying "what won't kill you would make u stronger" is so tru,at the beginning of this week I took a book to write all that I had to make and do this week,it was a lot,this same week is the week I planned to take my Thursday to Sunday off dress making and have a great weekend,then I thought to myself how is it possible I do all this in 3 days of which Monday was out,I went fabric shopping and had my hair locked,so am left with 2 days.
I picked my phone to call my tailor,to tell her we have a lot to do this week, she has to be here early and be fast about work,just guess her response.........."am not feeling too well o,I want to go to the hospital,maybe I will be fine tomorrow" seriously? Am so quick to activate work mode so I got on the machine and work began,day then night but with the hope that madam "am not well" will be here tomorrow,next day I picked my phone to call her again,she dint pick up,mins later she sent a text "am restless can't make it" I just laughed,does this girl know what restless means? Anyways I gave up on her and faced my work,I sewed from morning to evening,then go to school to draft patterns till 9pm get back and keep sewing.
Thursday came,still sewing,figured my friend whom I was supposed to have the weekend with couldn't make it to Nigeria,it was a sad one but then I have a lot to do,would I have had the time to spare? Am I supposed to be happy or sad? I really looked forward to this weekend,and now I just think it dint happen cause I had a lot to do,you know how things happen so that some other things can happen,on the other end am telling my friend to try see the bright side of the failed trip,he asked if I can see it and I said "no" it wasn't until now that I realized that I could see the bright side,maybe if he came some of my clients would have killed me by now.
It's Saturday evening,I managed to make sure everyone is happy,my clients my friend and me.thats the joy of working.
PS: am prepared to work without my tailor nxt week.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Lamentations (Iba Housing Estate)

I have hardly taken half of my breakfast when I heard a familiar voice shouting "wash your toilet,clean your bathroom,the man is still around" this sent me on a serious flash back,this is where I went to secondary school,I lived here for only six years of my life,the voice I heard was that of the man that hawks toilet cleaning stuff in the estate,he is still selling on a Hawking scale(after over 7years) its really sad. I remember seeing the children I buy roasted fish and pepper from at the bus-stop,the have grown but still sell d same stuff,same size of tray,same quantity of fish.what happened to GROWTH?,what went wrong with MOVEMENT? just made me wonder if anything or anybody changed since I left,besides seeing small girls I used to know with either pregnancy or babies,I think there is no change,pple look the same way,streets same,shops same.then I thought to myself if I was still here would I b without change too? would I have a baby by now?would fashion mean going to learn work by the roadside? Would I even have a dream? I think the problem is that they get too comfortable where they are and forget it can be better,they think less of tomorrow and they live each day as it comes. The moment they start thinking,actions would come in and change would b celebrated.