Sunday 30 December 2012

There is something to be thankfull for in 2012

Here we are at the end of the year, the end of the year which is a time to take stock, a time to recall, a time to look back, a time to plan for a better next year. I get to do a lot of thinking,so one day, sited @ the back seat in the car back in Ghana, we drove past a house that got burnt a night before and my aunt said a loud prayer for the family that lost their house to the fire, and then my mind traveled and i thought about us, why doesn’t our own houses burn, why don’t we get involved in accidents even as we travel every day, i ended up with so many “why” and then my conclusion is that there is so much to be thankful for.

         Thank God for that flight you took, the bus ride, the car ride, the bike, there is just so much more. We have people on this earth that pray to God to be in the situation you are praying to God to take you out of, have u ever thought of that? If some people tell u the amount of money they earned all through the year it might not be enough to buy u the designer shoe u wear, I watched a video on YouTube where a guy goes to the food court to pack leftover food, he would then ride on his bicycle to his home and there people are awaiting him, they welcome him like a king, because he has brought them dinner that they can never afford, is that your condition? Are you not one of those that left over some food at kfc?, some people have never been to the cinema, they believe it is foolish to watch a movie with 1,500 when “omo igbo” can sell it for 150,do you blame them, if they have as much as you do, would they think like that? How many times have u gone to the cinema in your life? Am sure you have lost count. Lets even pick the most common one, the miracle of sleeping and waking that everyone thinks its normal, pls how is that normal? You go to bed dead to this world, every time you wake its a sign of victory over death, yes it’s not normal, it’s a miracle, people millions of people die in their sleep, so always say a thank you prayer to your God when you wake in the morning, this is just few of so many things that happen and we are not thankful for.
        Using myself as an example, i  have so many things to be thankful of, an awesome life that has a bearing, which some people don’t have, beautiful friends and family, good health, early this year i went to the eye clinic to complain about a growth i discovered in my eye, when i got there i was told that only a surgery can take it out, so i should come for a surgery said ok leaving there with no intention of coming back for it, i just told God am not having surgery, kept on telling God every time i prayed and about 5months after, something just prompted me to go n search my eye growth on the Internet and i did and behold i found a substitute to surgery that the doctor dint tell me about, i started doing the home remedy and it worked, the growth started reducing, was told it would take months to be completely gone so am still on it, but i can tell you it has almost disappeared, that’s something to b thankful for, some people go for surgery and they come back worse than they went in.
       When things start going wrong, do a lot of recall and thank God, for am sure he has done great things in your life, whatever is happening to you is nothing compared to what happened to job. I was listening to one pastor Sam Adeyemi’s sermon and he talked about walking past a woman that was talking to God aloud and she said “mi o mo ohun ti mo se fun olorun ti o fin pa mi l’adiye” meaning i don’t know what i did to God that is making him kill my chickens, is that not funny? N he said in his entire life he has never heard someone accusing God of killing chicken, this God that gives you so much, this God that has done so much unmerited tins for you, you now accused him of killing your chicken, isn’t it unfair?
      When you go through situations sit down and recall, remember your past victories in him, remember all he has done for you and give thanks, we are at the end of 2012,many have gone but you are still here, many have been on this same level since year 2000,but u can see progress in your life, many spent most of their days this year in the hospital but u spent yours in the office, school etc, shouldn’t you be thankful?  Sit back, recall, give thanks and help someone get up from where they are .may God bless you as you do so, happy new year in advance .   With love doughyeen *wink*

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