Friday 30 November 2012

why wasnt jonathan @yar'adua's memorial

President Goodluck Jonathan, former military president; General Ibrahim Babangida, and the Governor of Katsina State; Ibrahim Shehu Shema, were among eminent Nigerians that were conspicuously absent at the first Umaru Musa Yar'Adua memorial lecture.

children of today


what do we call this?
Do you see anything wrong with a child of this age dancing like this?
Is it just tallent?
Does this tell a bit of what her future would look like?
What would u do if you notice your daughter or younger sis dancing like this?
Comments please

Thursday 29 November 2012

Are you ready for that relationship?

Hallos 2All the single ladies.......:D
Got lots of stuff about relationship.. that must help!

 Firstly, Some of us that have been hurt before or came out of a relationship and you have not really taking out time to breathe,love yourself all over, heal or even just take a break to reevaluate and enjoy being single, we are so busy looking 4 boaz(ur hubby) that we hope and settle 4 Roaz, Coaz nd get our heart broken again, u need to cool off. U really need to detach from your past Or U unconsciously carry baggages around to your next relationship

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Psquare, Sarkodie & R2Bees set to rock GH this sat

Another historical feat beckons in the entertainment industry of Ghana, and for the first time, Africa’s multiple awards winning duo-Psquare, Ghana’s fastest Rapper and BET award winner-Sarkodie and the dynamic-R2Bees, will come face to face with their fans that have yearned to see them together.

It’s the biggest concert to mark the end of the year in a grand style with Malta Guinness. The date is 1st of December, 2012, and the venue is slated for the Independence Square, Accra.

its also my farewell show,cos i would finally leave Ghana next week,thanks to ma ghana big sis i am looking forward to a ....... with :p i wont mention :x

It promises to be an exciting, exhilarating and fun pack event as music and dance steps of different styles, all guaranteed.
                 Go Malta Guinness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oge okoye's ghost husband

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! you dint hear it from me o but seriously is oge okoye's husband a ghost?

Tuesday 27 November 2012

victoria joins chocolate city

Kenya’s Victoria Kimani is now in the loving embrace of Nigerian music label Chocolate City, after a long search by the business outfit to tap into some local talent.

Vickie was snapped up by the hit-makers who’ve been trying for more than a year to get a Kenyan on board, as part of their expansion plans.

Chocolate City is the label responsible for Ice Prince, M.I., Jessie Jags, and Brymo, who have in turn worked hard for their money by churning out hit song after hit song after hit song.

Victoria Kimani, born in LA, originally from Kenya....started writing, recording and performing at 16, Lived in Nigeria her high school years,

Naija Gangnam Style---mo eazy

my sure naija people have done it again o,we just dont carry last,this time it is psy that they chose o,mo easy has come out with his own "gangnam style,he calls it "naija gangnam style" believe me its so cool,i couldnt stop dancing,but its azonto i was doing to it sha  lol. well from his video i discovered he did this cos psy got the highest viewed on youtube,my naija people lets help him get one trillion views lol.

Monday 26 November 2012

coca-cola unveils fashion line

last year,coca-cola was named the world's most valuable brand, it appears Coca-Cola is not content with their lot,they want more,of all places to go coca-cola chose fashion,

But as they venture into the world of fashion with a brand new clothing line unveiled in Rio de Janeiro, it is clear the carbornated drink giant is keen to take their global domination to the next level.

The international beverage company held a fashion show at Fashion Rio in Brazil earlier this month where they showcased a collection of clothing for spring/summer 2013.

Their first fashion line was debuted back in 2008 - but was on the receiving end of much criticism, so many people frowned at it and advised them to focus on poisoning us with their carbonated drinks

Lunaediesophobia! fear of mondays

If you were given a chance to delete or make one day of the week a free day,i can bet you all would pick Monday,well Monday is just a day of the week,i guess the issue is because it is the first day after weekend.

human beings love holidays,they get exited when they dont have to go to work the next day and then get sad when they have to resume work the next day,so the guy MONDAY is suffering from transferred aggression,you are just upset that you would have to go back to work after clubbing on Friday night,lounging with friends and going to "owanbe" on Saturday and hanging out with friends and family on Sunday,how is that Monday's fault?

Sunday 25 November 2012

psy's gangnam style

The south Korean rapper psy just set the youtube record for the most viewed video on facebook with  803,761,000 views, 5.3 million likes and 323,000 dislikes,majority obviously carry the vote record holders on youtube on most watched videos are lady gaga's "bad romance" and justin bieber's "baby". psy has this unique dance steps i love so much,his style is the whooping while riding on a pony dance,this he calls gangnam style,even if you do not love dance i bet you would love this one,well i am glad to say i contributed to him getting this far on youtube cos i watched the video and i liked it :)

whooop! whoop!! whoop!!! whoop!!!! whooooooopa gangnam style :D

shit about social network

I really need to know if its just me that have a few problems with some category of people when it comes to social networking,starting from bbm to facebook and even twitter.

facebook is the most annoying,some people are just there waiting for u to come on line,after sending u a message containing the same thing like 20 times and you don't reply they still wait for u to make a post or comment on anyone's status,the moment u do that,u gt a message once again saying the same thing. how long does it take for some people to know you are ignoring them on purpose,they keep interrupting me,some people have a chat that goes like this

Friday 23 November 2012

photos of the day

mrs bean and baby bean

lil'wayne  and nikki

On a thanksgiving level

                                  presidential pardon

President Barack Obama, with daughters Sasha, center, and Malia, right, carries on the Thanksgiving tradition of saving a turkey from the dinner table with a "presidential pardon," at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012. After the ceremony, "Cobbler" will head to George Washington's historic home in Virginia to be part of the "Christmas at Mount Vernon" exhibition. 

     Turkey feather wedding? o_O

feb 9 1948 a bride wore turkey feather dress for her wedding,apparently half a century before lady gaga showed up in her meat dress,really nothing is new under the sun. 

her bride's maid all had the turkey look,infact the theme for the wedding was "turkey" but how could she? i would understand if she chose peacock,but turkey? no way,well at about half a century after lady gaga wore a meat dress,in another half a century we should see someone wear a mosquito dress or maybe cockroach.

After the wedding, instead of confetti, handfuls of turkey feathers are showered on the happy newlyweds as they dash out the door, i guess she is just thanking God for giving her the man of her dream,so it was a thanksgiving wedding.

sexy thanksgiving turkey :D

Thursday 22 November 2012

chris brown backs out of show.............reason linked to Rihanna

Chris Brown gets another dose of unwelcoming protestors, this time in the South American country, Guyana. The artist backed out from his December 26 headliner concert amidst protests of women's rights groups against his 2009 physical assault on ex-girlfriend, Rihanna.

Breezy was supposed to headline a big show in the capital city of Georgetown, but South American women's rights protestors and opposition lawmakers immediately released statements making it known that the "Don't Wake Me Up" singer would not be welcomed in their city. Brown, upon learning of the incident and becoming uneasy, decides to cancel his appearance on the show.

This is not the first time that the troubled singer has faced angry protestors trying to spurn his concert over his Rihanna mishap. Earlier this month, a mysterious group of protestors in Sweden managed to plaster posters of Brown's ex-girlfriend showing her battered face and used it as a promo material for the rapper's November 19 concert in Stockholm.

In 2009, the 23-year-old star hit, choked and bit Rihanna on the eve of the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles during a heated argument. He later pleaded guilty to assault and is still serving his probation of five years. He has since taken violence counseling and has been attempting to repair his image to fans. Brown and RiRi have recently released a duet titled "Nobodies Business".

even has they sang "nobody's business2 some people still choose to carry it on thier head,i dont know how some body will have headache another person wee be taking paracetamol.

lil wayne on seizure medication

Lil Wayne is taking a precaution move to prevent another health scare drama after he had seizures on his private flights recently. The rapper is forced to make such an admission after he became overheated during an interview with MTV in his home state of Louisiana.

"Please let them know that I have an air unit, but because of the sound, they don't want the air on, so it's super hot in here," he says, before expressing his concern that people watching the interview may think he's on illicit drugs. "I don't want y'all to think I'm on nothing, man. I'm on seizure medicine. That's all."

Weezy suffered seizure-like symptoms on flight Thursday afternoon, October 25, so the plane made an emergency landing in Texas. The rapper was hospitalized and later got his private jet diverted to Louisiana on his flight back from Texas to Los Angeles for allegedly having another seizure.

His representative denied the second seizure report though, saying, "Lil Wayne was successfully released from the hospital after being treated for a severe migraine and dehydration. He is at home on doctor-mandated rest and will return to work soon. He appreciates all of his fans for their support and love."

 He himself tweeted back then, "Thanx for all the prayers!I am good.

sleeping open eye

up @ 1:49, am awake for a reason tho,teaching myself some things via Internet speaking of that God bless Google,life would av been so miserable without sites like that,my bible says "with God all things are possible" obviously God sent google. 

being awake at this time just made me remember some sleeping open eye moments i had back when i was younger,cant remember all but i would share the ones i know those situation whereby

Fun Things To Do in an Elevator........................u shld try @ least five n share ur experience *wink*

1. Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.
2. Blow your nose and offer to show the contents of your tissue to
other passengers
3.frown painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, 
"Shut up, dammit, all of you just shut UP!"
4. Whistle the first seven notes of ''It''s a Small World'' incessantly.
5. Sell Girl Scout cookies.
6. On a long ride, crash from side to side as if you''re on rough seas.
7. Shave. (Especially if you''re a woman.)
8. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside,
ask:"Got enough air in there?"
 9. If anyone brushes against you, recoil and holler, "Bad touch!

10. Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without
getting off.

11. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors
open, then act embarrassed when they open by themselves.
12. Lean over to another passenger and whisper: "Noogie
patrol coming!"
13. Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake
and ask them to call you, "Admiral".
14. One word: Flatulence!
15. On the highest floor, hold the door open and demand that it stay
open until you hear the penny you dropped down the shaft go
“plink"at the bottom

16. Do yoga exercises. 
17. Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then
announce, "I''ve got new socks on!"
18. When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back, "Oh,
not now. Damn motion sickness!"
19. Give religious literature to each passenger.

20. Meow occasionally.

21. Bet the other passengers you can fit a coin in your nose

22. Frown and mutter "Gotta go, gotta go," then sigh and say, "oops!"

23. Show other passengers a wound and ask if it looks infected.

24. Sing, "Mary Had a Little Lamb," while continually pushing buttons

25.. Stare at your thumb and say, "I think it''s getting larger.”

26. Walk on with a cooler that says "human head" on the side.

27. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce, "You''re
one of THEM!" and move to the far corner of the elevator.

28. Burp, and then say "Mmmm...tasty!"

29. Leave a box between the doors.

30. Ask each passenger getting on if you can push the button for them.

31. Wear a puppet on your hand and make it talk to the
32. Start a sing-along.

33. When the elevator is silent, look around and ask, "Is that
your beeper?"
34. Play the harmonica.
35. Shadow box.
36. Say, "Ding!" at each floor.
37. Lean against the button panel.
38. Say, "I wonder what all these do," and push the red buttons.
39.Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope.
40. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the
other passengers that this is your "personal space”
41. Bring a chair along.
42. Take a bite of a sandwich and ask another passenger: "Wanna see
wha in muh mouf?"
43. Blow spit bubbles.
44. Pull your gum out of your mouth in long strings.
45. Announce in a demonic voice: "I must find a more suitable
46. Carry a blanket and clutch it protectively.
47. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
48. Wear "X-Ray Specs" and leer suggestively at other passengers.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Ghanians tho :\ FOKN Bois - Jesus Is Coming ft Wusuwaah

ghanians tho,aw do i explain this video again,to think that this so called FOKN BOIS sang "thank God we are not  a Nigerians" no nigerian has ever blasphemed like this,end time signs i guess #be guided#

Sister Deborah - Uncle Obama ft FOKN Bois bet y uncle obama

 i dont know what she was thinking of o,maybe you wld know

my dreadful journey

i started a dreadful journey about a month ago,yes a dreadful journey i locked my hair,i took a step closer to asa,dakore n most especially handsome uti, i must tell u its not been a funny journey,i had to cut my hair n start from the scratch,i spent a lot of money to look like those gentle men n women on the streets of accra i bet yu dont want to look like them. 

i never thought it would b this stressful,btw my parents dont kno their daughter now has "dada" on her head i know God would see me through the unveiling process  but seriously its not what the society thinks it is,dreadlocks are very beautiful when well groomed,its 100% natural,your hair gets a chance to breathe well,there is no chemical chocking the hair,even this chemicals called relaxer does more harm than good to the human hair.i dint say u should stop retouching o,am just giving u tips.

Anyways back to my hair,ryt now my locks are averagely 3" long which is like d most disgusting stage,i cant pack it together,i cant make cornrow,its not so short that it beautifully stays on the head n people will appreciate instead it dangles in a not uniform  way n makes me look crazy.
                     me before i locked my hair

                                    present me with my 3" locks
                            future me :)

see u guys later with updates on my hair prob it wld b 4" next week:)

emi ni blogger

 Hi everyone welcome to my "dry about to b wet" blog here we wld forever b close to eachother,no part of me goes out of ur sight.
anyways i got a sign this blog is going to b a nice ride wive me did i hear u say wot's the sign? ok i will tell u ;;;;;;;;;;;;; i burnt the porridge i was cooking :D dats a good one ryt? 

 i don't gossip so dont expect latest gossips on my blog i share news n rumour tho:|

my blog cant b complete without fashion tips do's n dont's style tips etc n some funny stuffs i come across. sit back n enjoy this ride with me EMI NI BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!